Trails you love to ride
Read our Vision Document
Help create and maintain epic trails in and around Wellington. Join Trails Wellington today to support Wellington’s trails and volunteer groups!
Join today and become a supporter of trails and mountain biking across Wellington. Download one app and become a member and supporter for as little as $30 a year.
Membership affiliates you with Wellington Mountain Bike Club, Makara Peak Supporters, Brooklyn Trail Builders, and Matairangi Trail Builders. Our affiliate partners also includes Word and Revolve.
Your membership directly enables our affiliate partners and volunteer groups to continue building amazing trails that change the way we live and enjoy our city.
As a member you’ll get exclusive access to a great range of discounts and deals from our awesome partners.
Join today!
Look good and fund trail building in the process, win win.
About Us
Thanks to an extremely generous donation from the Drury Family, Trails Wellington (formerly Wellington Trails Trust) was re-launched in June 2021 with a renewed focus on helping create more trails around Wellington City.
We're working in partnership with Wellington Mountain Bike Club, Mākara Peak Supporters and Brooklyn Trail Builders to breath some life back into some of our existing trails, and create new ones.
Plan, build, ride, sleep, repeat
Creating trails is relentless. Our focus is on planning, creating, building, and maintaining trails in and around Wellington. Our current trail projects include........
Our Partners
The Wellington trail building community has been supported by a number of local businesses that really understand what trails bring to the community. Many of our partners have been supporting trail development for years, so it's great to have them on board to help build trails for the future.
Your Trails Wellington membership comes with great deals that we've negotiated with our partners. You'll get discounts on food and drink at some of Wellington's best craft brewers and pubs, great offers from bike retailers across the city, as well as discounts on clothing, footwear, travel and more.